I have too much stuff. This is an indisputable fact. Exactly how too much is up for debate, but there is no denying that I am closer to the Collyer Brothers than I am to Marie Kondo. I have read all sorts of books. I have done space clearings. I have wasted countless hours hating myself, trying to embrace the clutter as something beautiful, wishing I had a bigger apartment…
But now I have decided to turn declutterng into an art project. I figure, maybe if I take pictures of some of the things that are hardest to get rid of, it will feel easier. Plus I’m always up for making another photographic catalogue.
And so the Goodbye Project begins. I’m not photographing every object that leaves my hands, but there are certain objects that I just want to hold up above my head one last time before we part ways forever.
First up, my Tory Burch for Target lunchbox. I have never used a lunchbox, but there I was, on the Target website, suddenly feeling like I needed to have this one. It hung out on a shelf somewhere for a couple of years, until my daughter started bringing her own lunch to school. I lent it to her, just for a few weeks till she got her own, and that was the end of that. She must have used it for 4 years. But it is time for this noble lunchbox to retire. It wears its battle scars with pride, but there are so many of them… not to mention soy sauce stains too numerous to count.
And so we move on. But not without saying thank you, for all of the delicious meals you carried. And for helping my daughter acquire a taste for a more sophisticated vehicle for food carrying. You saved us from the Frozen lunchbox purgatory, and for that I will be forever grateful.