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Monday, Monday (on Tuesday, but whatever) bringing you a few more links about climate change

People's Climate March poster

As a mother, this particular People’s Climate March poster really speaks to my heightened concern for the future of our planet. When you have a kid, the whole situation becomes extremely personal.

It would be amazing if we could just look back on Sunday’s approximately 400,000 person strong People’s Climate March and know that the job is done, the tide has turned, and global warming has come to a screeching halt.

No such luck. But hopefully some of the grownups at the UN climate summit are now considering listening to the population rather than simply the gas and oil industry.

And in the meantime, we can all become better informed, and then, if everybody pitches in just a tiny bit (be it with a check or a petition or changing some of our bad habits) the wheels will start spinning and we’ll be off to the races.

Here are a few links to get your juices flowing:

Read what the Huffington Post had to say about Sunday’s big march. And here’s what they said (plus a lovely slide show) over at The New York Times.

If you’re looking for the front line, in depth news on the fight against climate change, check out Think Progress’ section on the climate.

At 12:50 today, President Obama is going to announce an executive order that requires all federal agencies to factor the impact of climate change into the design of international development programs and investments. Watch the speech live here.

What the hell is global warming, anyway? The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) breaks it down for us all here. And you can dive deeper with this great bibliography of all NY Times global warming coverage.

Check out this list of 10 easy things you can do yourself to combat global warming. Doing just one or two can make a huge difference.

In case you were wondering where all the money is going, listen to Hayride Casualties‘ Dan Asselin singing about ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

But not all oil people are bad guys. In fact, the Rockefeller family, who made the vast majority of their fortune with Standard Oil, are now getting out of the carbon fuel business. Woo hoo! Thanks guys…

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