I have been searching for a new “fashion icon” (or to be more honest, trying to search through my jumbled brain to remember whose style I most admire) and thought I might share a few of my contenders with you all:
This video of Iris Apfel on One Kings Lane (she did a sale with them recently) reminded me of how amazing she is.
Anna Piaggi, the late great Italian Vogue editor took the concept of haute dressing to a whole new level. And Vogue.com UK has a great timeline of Piaggi-related articles for us all to peruse.
Isabella Blow was Alexander McQueen’s BFF and had an incredibly singular and architectural sense of style, but it seems the world was just a bit too much for her…
Bjork could be good, and not just because her name rhymes with jerk.
Is it weird to put one of your own friends on this list? I don’t dress anything like Sarah Sophie Flicker, but the way she puts herself together always makes me happy.
Then again, so do the outfits of my friend Jennifer Mankins…
Or maybe I should just stick with the classics and go with Lena Horne…
So many choices, so little time…
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