Ok here it is. Black Friday, 2014. A day which evidently, according to an insert in Thursday’s paper, began around 6 pm yesterday with MIND! BLOWING! SALES! at places like K-Mart and Target.
I am usually one for sitting out this shopping frenzy entirely. I’ve worked hard to ignore the tempting emails that are flooding my inbox promising once in a lifetime sales the likes of which I will never see again. And yet, I am here, on this blog, about to suggest that you guys do some online shopping.
It doesn’t have to be today, but you will want to have Crafts Through The Year with you sooner rather than later, as you begin to navigate the holiday season with the little ones. And as this treasure trove of crafting activities encourages making rather than buying, I don’t feel at all disingenuous in pointing you people towards it now.
Plus, while you’re busy making paper stars, festive garlands and holiday wreaths (not to mention little toys to give as gifts) maybe the post-Thanksgiving roar of BUY! BUY! BUY! will fade to a dull whisper. Which sounds like heaven right about now, even if it only lasts a few moments…
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