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Gift Guide, Chapter 1: Seven gifts to take with you to the party

Ah tis the season of the cocktail party. Photo courtesy of

Ah tis the season of the cocktail party. Photo courtesy of

Let the gift guides begin! Everywhere you look, people are making all sorts of suggestions about what you should get for the ones you love (as well as the ones you feel obliged to give to for whatever reason)

For the next week or so, I will humbly add my two cents to the pile. Each day will be a slightly different set of things for a slightly different situation. Hopefully, at least one of them will save your proverbial a** as you stumble through the next 4 weeks.

Here we go:

First off, while we’re on the topic of those holiday parties, it is evidently considered uncool to show up to these things empty handed. Especially if the gathering is at someone’s home. So here are a few suggestions of things you can arrive with so you can feel totally justified in piling on mounds of caviar, or drinking your fill of expensive champagne…

glass bird ornaments

These miniature blown glass Chinese birds make perfect ornaments, plus they come in a set of 12, so if you buy these you’ll have to hit a dozen parties before you need to come up with another gift idea.

hand soap

It’s more fun to wash your hands when you’re using hands to do it, right? These soaps come in sets of around 8 as well (each set is different) so this gift can cover a few parties as well.

spanish bitters

I’m all about bringing consumable gifts to my friends because they take up less room and create beautiful memories. A splash of bitters turns any glass of sparkling water into a party, so it’s the perfect thing to bring to one.

wooden magnets

Upgrade their fridge with these oak and walnut magnets. Because nobody ever has too many refrigerator magnets.

greek animal bells at kiosk

Maybe your hosts have sheep, or maybe they just want to hang some sonic cheer around the house. Either way, these animal bells from Greece are the perfect thing.

youre cute card

Bring these cards as a gift if your host is single and looking for company. Maybe they’ll give online dating a bit of a rest.

sweet home mobile booklet

This Sweet Home Booklet Mobile (designed by Yusuke Oono for Artecnica) is just pretty. And small. So bring it to somebody who likes that kind of thing. Like me.


And last but certainly not least, who doesn’t love a beautifully scented candle? This diminutive set of candles by the ever wondrous Red Flower includes scents like Ocean and Italian Blood Orange. And again, a set of six means you can spread the love six different times.

Come back tomorrow for more…

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