May 2015

Monday, Monday — or more links about people who make music and things that make noise

joan la barbara tapesongs

I mean, who doesn’t want to listen to this record after seeing the cover? (photo thanks to Brian Eno’s Twitter feed)

Brian Eno just tweeted this link to a six hour MP3 of women making electronic music and I’m listening to it right now.

Speaking of unconventional music, is cricket the other other white meat? Modern Farmer seems to think it might be…

God bless Apartment Therapy for giving us some great ideas for how to store and display our record collection with style, now that we’ve taken all of those LP’s out of the basement…

I hope you have all already seen the incredible James Brown biopic Get On Up. But if you haven’t you must do so. Right. Now.

The people over at Cup Of Jo (because it’s a team of superhumans over there now… not just the inimitable Joanna Goddard) recommend these as the best 7 podcasts to try and I am inclined to believe them.

Gather Journal (which is mostly about food) has some great mixtapes on their website that you guys should check out.

And last, but not least, after much internet research and hoot comparisons, we have determined that we have a Great Horned Owl living on our roof or somewhere very close by. Ah the wilds of Brooklyn…

Yesterday, at some point…

maryland crabs from Harbor House crabs

2 dozen Maryland Blue crabs, steamed in Old Bay.
Potato salad in the covered white serving plate
A little taste of spinach dressed in sesame oil
Arugula salad with thinly shaved fresh rhubarb (this came out later)
Water for all
Plenty of beer

Perfect Mother’s Day Dinner.

Yesterday, at some point is a series of photographs that describe a moment I experienced during the previous day (or thereabouts). The posts are meant to be stand alone images, though at times I can’t control myself, and I end up expanding the caption into a more lengthy bit of text. Hopefully the extra information is useful, or at least interesting. If not, feel free to ignore it.

For all future world travelers… and their mothers

Maps Activity Book by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski

Maps Activity Book by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski

To be honest, I really got this activity book for myself. I am just using my daughter as a vehicle through which I get to experience it. And I have all sorts of legitimate reasons for feeling this way.

First off, I love maps. All kinds of maps. I like to collect them, but am in the process of weeding out my excess clutter, so this is a way to have a whole bunch of lovingly hand drawn maps all neatly bound in a book that is educational. And for my kid. No hoarding here.

I am horrible at geography and am determined to learn about all kinds of basic things like the national flag of the Seychelles and the route of the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Not to mention the difference between a reef stonefish and a yellow tang. Oh and also the exact location of the Brandenburg Gate. I will know all of these things, and so much more, once we delve into the projects that lie within the covers of this book.

a map of the UK

A map of the United Kingdom. OK who knows which one in Scotland and which is Ireland?

Here’s what a typical page looks like… You’ve got a map (or a bunch of animals that live in a certain habitat, or people in various cultural costumes, etc) and then a directive. In this case, you get to imagine your own castles and put them all over the United Kingdom. Other pages ask you to draw animals that live in Australia, or draw the flags of various countries… it’s hours and hours of geographically creative fun.

And by the end, if I can easily draw you a typical musical instrument from India and a popular meal from Morocco, and can name all 50 of the United States and show you where The Parthenon is on a map, I’ll be in great shape. And so will my daughter (who will most likely retain far more of this than her mother, who also has to be in charge of bedtime and school lunch and other nonsense that crowds up her brain…)

Maps Activity Book by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski, $14.99.

Monday, Monday– or links to a few things you might want to get your mom (or wife, or sister, etc…) for Mother’s Day

good eggs flowers

A bouquet of seasonal flowers ($29.49) because, well, she deserves a little fresh beauty in her life.


A self watering planter ($100) because no one really wants to have to check on the potted plants every day, but everybody likes a little green in the house.


What mother has not secretly (or not so secretly) wished for a bottle of Magic Energy Spray ($16) to her her get through the tough times?

jil platner bracelet

Is there ever a bad time to give her a silver bracelet (from $285) from Jill Platner?

gretel home watering can

A watering can upgrade ($68) is never a bad thing.

ion water bottle

Pour some water (or wine, or whatever you’re drinking) into this Shigaraki ion bottle ($40) and the radium minerals in its glaze change the ion content. Which makes everything taste more delicious and is evidently much better for us. We should probably get two of these and keep one for ourselves.

Yesterday, at some point…


Last night, One Kings Lane threw a party to celebrate their collaboration with Sister Parish Design. An elegant capsule collection of upholstered furniture that brings new life to Sister Parish’s decorating legacy. The guests were all invited to build their own bouquets, and needless to say, we came home with an armful.

May all future party favors include fresh flowers of some sort of another…

(and may you all go check out the Sister Parish for One Kings Lane collection before it sells out!)

Yesterday, at some point is a series of photographs that describe a moment I experienced during the previous day (or thereabouts). The posts are meant to be stand alone images, though at times I can’t control myself, and I end up expanding the caption into a more lengthy bit of text. Hopefully the extra information is useful, or at least interesting. If not, feel free to ignore it.