January 2014

Monday, Monday – or more links about eating better in 2014

Because we’ve got to start self improving someplace, and it may as well involve food, since we’re all already eating. Can’t say the same for going to the gym, but I digress…

oversized hamburger

This would be the exact opposite of the kind of food I am planning on surrounding myself (and my family) with in 2014. Not that I don’t like a burger, but…

If you want to make killer, nutritious, brain enhancing smoothies with little apparent effort, just keep some of these foods on your shelves at all times.

Oh and to get the ball rolling, here’s a recipe for a cleansing green (but still sweet) smoothie.

Ramen is the grandma’s-chicken-soup of today. Here’s a list of great NYC spots where you can indulge in a little warm deliciousness this winter.

And while we’re on the topic of healthy-and-delicious soup, what about this delicious looking parmesan broth with kale and white beans?

So I’ve pointed you in the direction of 2 different recipes. How do you know they’re going to succeed? Dinner A Love Story has the answer.

Everybody’s talking about the benefits of fermentation, while I just nod my head and look vaguely around thinking of sauerkraut. Then I read this piece on NPR and it all became clear.

Don’t forget that our skin actually ingests things more directly than our mouths do, so soaps, lotions, etc are also really important to consider. Especially for our kids. This post on Apartment Therapy has surprisingly informative and helpful comments with lot of great product suggestions.

Here we go again…

blue skies

Here it is. 2014. All sunny blue skies and puffy white clouds.

Yes people, it’s January resolution time. I’ve suggested resolutions, given links, tried to inspire at least one of you to go out and end poverty in the US, etc etc. All in a desperate attempt to avoid actually making my own resolutions and committing them to… screen… or whatever phrase we’re supposed to use now that paper has fallen so far out of favor.

Last year I made two resolutions and one of them was a complete and total failure.

My first one is coming along nicely. The one about being more financially responsible. Keeping track of what I spend, putting aside funds for future use (savings? could that be savings?) etc etc. Yay me. Still have a ways to go, but I’m in better shape now that I imagined I would ever be last year, so there.

My other resolution, the one I wrote about somewhat at length in this here blog, has been such a fiasco that I hardly know where to begin. Sure there have been extenuating circumstances when it comes to carving order out of the overflowing chaos that is my office. But I am still sitting here, trying to work amidst a pile of stuff, probably 75% of which I do not need (like, do I need to keep the users manual for the computer I bought in 1995?)

And yet, in 12 months, I have only managed to clear off one lousy shelf. One. Out of 21 shelves (yep, I just counted them) all bulging, stuffed to the hilt, sagging under the weight of excess and crying out in desperation. Not to mention the piles of stuff on the floor.

After the ceiling was repaired [for those of you who are new, my office ceiling collapsed this past fall, covering all of my belongings with rubble and plaster dust] I swore I would not just unpack the boxes and put everything back. NO. I am better than that. I was going to carefully go through everything, culling all unnecessary items and emerging with a newer leaner workspace.

Needless to say, the pile of boxes remains. And now, when I need anything, I have to hunt through the boxes, cursing my own name every time. Not a good situation, by any count. Plus I’ve tossed all sorts of things onto the shelves willy nilly when I’ve needed to clean up for the arrival of guests or other such horrifying situations. At least before, I knew where everything was. Now, who knows?

And so, for 2014, I have decided to keep it really simple. This is going to be the year that I take care of unfinished business (which is actually clearing clutter, just by another name) The office is item number one on my list and SO HELP ME GOD I am going to deal with it. There are all sorts of other things, like unread e mails and half finished craft projects, a barely touched Instagram account, a pile of clothes that need mending… all of which stand in the way of the clearer life I am planning to be living by the end of this year.

They say that if you continue to cross these types of tasks off of your to-do list, you will open up all sorts of room for new and exciting things to happen.

Hey, even if I just get this office situation taken care of, I’ll be beyond happy.

Wish me luck.

Happy 50th Birthday!

50 years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on poverty. We clearly have a long way to go- but this war is in no way unwinable.

Watch this excerpt from LBJ’s State of the union speech, get inspired, and do something. Think of how much weight can be lifted if 200 million hands are shouldering the burden…

Monday, monday- or more links about resolutions (sorry!)

OK you people buck up. It’s the beginning of January. Time to make some resolutions. What? Haven’t figured out how you’re going to transform yourself into the perfect version of you yet? Maybe these links will help point you in the right direction…

Getting rid of all screen media for your kids might be too much to ask for. But how about just resolving to actually watch the movies with the little people? Hello Dolly is a current family favorite, though my daughter has absolutely forbidden me to sing any of the songs afterwards, which is nearly impossible.

Looking to become more efficient in 2014? Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 tricks to save all sorts of time and energy when interfacing with your best friend oh-no-wait your computer/the internet. I’ve already put most of them into practice.

I’m sure we also all want to clean out the unwanted toxins in our bodies, right? Who wants those around? Maybe you’re really ready to go for it with a cleanse.

And while we’re on the topic of cleaning out, for my fellow hoarders, there is Krrb.com. Believe it or not, there are tons of people in your neighborhood who actually want your junk.

I’m sure you are all also going to start drinking enough water. They say we need at least 64 oz a day. Never fear!! There’s an app to help with that, too! (Phew…)

Resolving to improve your memory? Evidently a little music might be all you need.

And now that we’ve come to the end of this post, it turns out that, according to Time Magazine, New Years resolutions are bad for you.

We are all off the hook.

Watching other people start the New Year off right…

and hoping that maybe, by being close to their bravery (and touch of insanity) my 2014 will be full of happiness and light.

This is a horribly shot video (sorry!) taken by me as I stood on the beach, mouth agape, with my family and some friends, bundled up in down jackets, long underwear and boots, while these incredible individuals stripped down to their bathing suits and jumped into the Atlantic Ocean. Some of them were kids.

It was kind of unbelievable. And the look of triumph (and shock, too, but mostly triumph) on their faces when they came out of the water was inspirational.

May we all have cause to wear similar expressions of triumph over the course of the next twelve months.

Happy New Year Everybody!