February 2016

Monday, Monday– or more links about expanding your mind…

illustration from brainbalancecenters.com

illustration from brainbalancecenters.com

I’m not calling this a new year’s resolution or anything (besides, it’s already February!) but I would like to start stretching my brain in new directions… Here’s what I’m going to try:

Learn about the history of pop music via a beautifully visualized music timeline.

Sharpen my mind by getting the New York Times crossword puzzle directly onto my phone (or iPad, or laptop, or whatever…)

Read more. (Here are some tips I found via A Cup Of Jo on how to read 100 books a year, which is evidently not as hard as it sounds)

I never really learned to touch type, but they say it’s never too late. Here’s a keyboarding app that I’m hoping is going to get me started.

I have been wading in the kiddie pool of herbalism for a few years now, but I think this is going to be the year I dive in a bit deeper. LearningHerbs.com is a comprehensive site full of all sorts of information and online courses geared towards those of us who are looking to deepen our knowledge.