June 2015

Monday, Monday – or more links about the school year ending, japanese pop songs and multi-racial families…

The music video above is actually better if you are poking your screen.

Every Monday, I suddenly realize that we don’t really have any food in the fridge. Which means that my little posse will not thrive (or even make it through the week) unless I get it together and buy some groceries. So I’m on Fresh Direct, looking at the various types of salmon, and I decide that today is the day I determine, once and for all, which is better for me: farmed vs wild. I found this little chart which explains it all in a lovely graphic format. And once you’re done with the fish question, you can check out all sorts of other Prevention.com food fights and start down the path towards being a fully informed eater.

As well as being Monday, today also marks the true beginning, for us parents, of the slide down from school-year into summer vacation and all of the end-of-year gift giving and recital attending that implies. So once again, I give my fellow parents the gift of Jen Hatmaker’s hilarious post about being the worst end-of-school-year-mom ever. I still can’t read this without laughing so hard that tears stream down my face and I have to stop for a minute and pull myself together.

End-of-the-school-year also means summer reading lists. Here’s the selection Lemony Snicket (aka Daniel Handler) recommended for Dinner A Love Story back in 2011. I especially love the total and complete inappropriateness of his last suggestion…

It is also the season to start making berry pies. (and plum pies and peach pies…) Bon Apétit claims that they have the flakiest pie crust recipe ever. But I have been making this pie crust from Smitten Kitchen and it’s hard to imagine a better version. Anyone out there up for doing a bake off?

OK this is totally random but summer is outdoor party season and who doesn’t want their paper cups to be the perfect color? Search no more! Oh Happy Day has all the cups (and plates) you’ll need in every color you can think of.

Oh and last but not least, check out these beautiful portraits of mixed-race families (which I of course love for obvious reasons.)